Building Permit Obtained - Deo Gratias!

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

It’s been almost three years since we began planning for our new dormitory to house an
increasing number of  boarders.  This past year we welcomed fifty-two boarders from Ontario,
Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Alberta, British Columbia, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, New York
State, California, Mexico City and even two brothers from far away Kenya!  The blessings of 
God are also bearing fruit: this past year, the first of  the alumni of  our young school to do so
made vows in a religious order, received the cassock at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary and got
married!  As the years pass, our graduating classes have been getting bigger.  This Summer, of 
our ten graduates, five have decided to enter either St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary or the
Benedictine monastery.  This should be a great encouragement to us all in our work for
Catholic education and we should pray that all our graduates be convinced and fervent

Back in 2014, we thought that it would be a relatively easy thing to get a building permit. 
Providence however wanted us to delay things and the Ministry of  the Environment and
Climate Change obliged by taking two and a half  years to approve the design of  our new septic
system.  This delay was providential as it allowed us to go ahead and buy our new church in
New Hamburg, St. Peter’s, which has been a grace for both school and parish.  
The delay however is at an end!  Last week, on the Feast of  the Sacred Heart of  Jesus,
the Ministry of  the Environment approved our septic system, and this morning, I got the
Our Lady of  Mount Carmel Academy Building Permit from Wilmot Township.  Our next step 

will be to get a beginning date from the  contractor.   We are cautiously hopeful that he will be 
able to commence this Autumn.  You have been very generous in your prayers, help and 
donations.  I thank you and assure you of  my prayers at Holy Mass.  All of  the money raised so 
far is safely deposited although some has already been spent on the planning process. 

Now that things will soon be underway, we will be communicating regular news of  the
project to you, our benefactors.  We will also be relying on your prayers and donations to keep
everything going well.  For now, I simply wanted to share the good news with thanks to Our
Lady of  Mount Carmel and St. Joseph.

Father David Sherry